If you are looking for great carpet and installation in Kitchener and the surrounding areas The Carpet Store would love to help.
Our family run store believes we can help your family find the best option. There are so many options to choose from but our vast experience can help narrow it down and find the right option to fit your need.
High Quality and Excellent colours aplenty.
Call us at 519-743-6905 to setup a free measure
Dreamweaver, Beaulieu, and Shaw are some of our favourite industry standards!
These carpet companies are constantly thinking of ways to make carpet better. From their innovative and state-of-the-art manufacturing process to your home, your family gets the most comfortable and durable carpet possible.
A 50 - 60 Oz. plush is a nice luxurious option very well suited to bedrooms, stairs, or basements. Pair it with our thick 8lb pad and you will love it!